Rally Morocco 2024 with Jos, Pierre, Paul and Eddy

Rally Morocco 2024 with Jos, Pierre, Paul and Eddy

From April 11 to 20, 2024 Jos, Pierre, Paul and Eddy participated in the rally in Morocco. Jos says: “I was allowed to come along as a mechanic, together with Pierre it was our job to keep the cars in top condition during the race. Paul and Eddy took up the challenge behind the wheel. Despite everything, we had a lot of fun and had a great time.”

On the first day of the rally everything went smoothly, but on the second day the devil came out from under the grass. The car’s engine stalled in the dunes of Morocco and caused serious problems.

With little sleep and a lot of wrench work, they managed to get the car running again. A new radiator, fresh oil and parts from Marrakesh were needed to get the car back on the road.
Despite all the sand and heat, they worked on into the early hours to continue the race. “We saw parts that had melted away. Not normal how hot that engine has been!” says Jos.

With a lot of wrench work, teamwork and the clever driving of the drivers, the car still managed to finish the rally!

Despite the setbacks and long days, they proudly crossed the finish line. “It was a feat to never forget, and a great memory that will stay with us forever.”

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